Skunkware 5
Skunkware 5.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
456 lines
* *
* Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 Ronald Joe Record *
* *
* All rights reserved. No part of this program or publication may be *
* reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, *
* or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or *
* by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, *
* biological, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of: *
* *
* Ronald Joe Record (408) 458-3718 *
* 212 Owen St., Santa Cruz, California 95062 USA *
* *
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include "libXrr.h"
int _numdivs = 2;
static char mapfile[128];
set_mapfile_name(display, res, prog)
Display *display;
char *res;
char *prog;
char *tmpmapfile;
if ((tmpmapfile = XGetDefault(display, res, "Mapfile")) == NULL) {
if (strcpy(mapfile, getenv("HOME")) == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: strcpy of HOME failed\n");
if (strcat(mapfile, "/.") == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: strcat of /. failed\n");
if (strcat(mapfile, prog) == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: strcat of prog failed\n");
if (strcat(mapfile, "map") == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: strcat of map failed\n");
if (strcpy(mapfile, tmpmapfile) == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: strcpy of tmpmapfile failed\n");
init_color(display, win, cmap, Colors, s_col, min, n_cols, wheel, prog, res, n)
Display *display;
Window win;
Colormap cmap;
XColor *Colors;
int s_col, min, n_cols, wheel, n;
char *prog;
char *res;
static short i, j, first_time=1;
static int colgap, leg, step, numfree;
static double d;
Colormap def_cmap;
int hls[3], rgb[3];
FILE *map;
char buf[255];
int a, b, c, c_end;
extern void hls2rgb();
extern long lrand48();
def_cmap = DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display));
for (i=0; i<n_cols; i++) {
Colors[i].pixel = i;
Colors[i].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
XQueryColors(display, def_cmap, Colors, n_cols);
colgap = RGB_MAX / n_cols;
hls[0] = 50; /* Hue in low range */
hls[2] = 1000; /* Fully saturated */
for (i=s_col; i<min; i++) {
hls[1] = 1000L * (i-s_col) / (min - s_col);
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
numfree = n_cols - min;
switch (wheel) {
case -2: /* black & white palette */
hls[1] = 1000; /* Fully Light */
hls[2] = 1000; /* Fully saturated */
for (i=s_col; i<((n_cols-s_col)/2)+s_col; i++) {
hls[0] = 3000L;
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
hls[1] = 0; /* Fully Dark */
hls[2] = 0;
for (i=((n_cols-s_col)/2)+s_col; i<n_cols; i++) {
hls[0] = 0;
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
case -1: /* white palette */
hls[1] = 1000; /* Fully Light */
hls[2] = 1000; /* Fully saturated */
for (i=s_col; i<n_cols; i++) {
hls[0] = 3000L;
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
case 0: /* read in cmap from $HOME/.<progname>map */
if (first_time) {
set_mapfile_name(display, res, prog);
first_time = 0;
i = s_col;
if ((map = fopen(mapfile, "r")) != NULL) {
while(!feof(map) && i <n_cols) {
fgets(buf,sizeof buf,map);
if(sscanf(buf,"%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c) == 3) {
Colors[i].red = a * 256;
Colors[i].green = b * 256;
Colors[i].blue = c * 256;
if (i >= n_cols)
c_end = i;
while (i<n_cols) {
Colors[i].red = Colors[i - c_end].red;
Colors[i].green = Colors[i - c_end].green;
Colors[i].blue = Colors[i - c_end].blue;
case 1: /* gray-scale palette */
for (i=s_col; i<n_cols; i++) {
Colors[i].red = ((i-s_col)*60000/(n_cols-s_col)) + 5535;
Colors[i].green = ((i-s_col)*60000/(n_cols-s_col)) + 5535;
Colors[i].blue = ((i-s_col)*60000/(n_cols-s_col)) + 5535;
case 2:
hls[0] = 800; /* Hue in mid range */
hls[2] = 1000; /* Fully saturated */
for (i=s_col; i<min; i++) {
hls[1]=1000L*(i-s_col) / (min - s_col);
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
for (i=min; i<min+(numfree/2); i++) {
Colors[i].blue = RGB_MAX;
Colors[i].green = 0;
for (i=min+(numfree/2); i<n_cols; i++) {
Colors[i].blue = RGB_MAX;
Colors[i].green = 0;
Colors[i].red=((n_cols - i)*2*RGB_MAX/n_cols);
case 3:
hls[0] = 800; /* Hue in mid range */
hls[2] = 1000; /* Fully saturated */
for (i=s_col; i<min; i++) {
hls[1]=1000L*(i-s_col) / (min - s_col);
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
colgap = 4*RGB_MAX/n_cols;
for (i=min; i<min+(numfree/4); i++) {
Colors[i].blue = RGB_MAX;
Colors[i].green = 0;
for (i=min+(numfree/4);i<min+(numfree/2);i++) {
Colors[i].red = RGB_MAX;
Colors[i].green = 0;
Colors[i].blue=(min+(numfree/2) - i) * colgap;
Colors[i].red = RGB_MAX;
Colors[i].blue=(i * colgap);
Colors[i].green = 0;
for (i=min+(0.75*numfree); i<n_cols; i++) {
Colors[i].blue = RGB_MAX;
Colors[i].green = 0;
case 4:
hls[0] = 800; /* Hue in mid range */
hls[2] = 1000; /* Fully saturated */
for (i=s_col; i<min; i++) {
hls[1] = 1000L * (i-s_col) / (min - s_col);
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
colgap = wheel * RGB_MAX / n_cols;
for (i=min; i<(n_cols/wheel); i++) {
Colors[i].blue = RGB_MAX;
Colors[i].green = 0;
for (i=(n_cols/wheel); i<(2*n_cols/wheel); i++) {
Colors[i].red = RGB_MAX;
Colors[i].green = 0;
Colors[i].blue=((2*n_cols/wheel) - i) * colgap;
for (i=(2*n_cols/wheel); i<n_cols; i++) {
Colors[i].red = RGB_MAX;
Colors[i].green=(i - (2*n_cols/wheel)) * colgap;
Colors[i].blue = 0;
case 5:
hls[1] = 700; /* Lightness in midrange */
hls[2] = 1000; /* Fully saturated */
for (i=min; i<n_cols; i++) {
hls[0] = 3600L * i / n_cols;
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
for (i=min; i<n_cols; i+=((n_cols-min)/10)) {
hls[0] = 3600L * i / n_cols;
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0] / 2;
Colors[i].green = rgb[1] / 2;
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2] / 2;
case 6:
hls[0] = 800; /* Hue in mid range */
hls[2] = 1000; /* Fully saturated */
for (i=s_col; i<min; i++) {
hls[1] = 1000L * (i-s_col) / (min - s_col);
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
step = numfree / 3;
leg = step+min;
for (i = min; i < leg; ++i) {
Colors[i].pixel = i;
Colors[i].red = fabs(65535 - (double)i / step * 65535.0);
Colors[i].blue = (double)i / step * 65535.0;
Colors[i].green = 0;
Colors[i].flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
for (j = 0, i = leg, leg += step; i < leg; ++i, ++j) {
Colors[i].pixel = i;
Colors[i].red = (double)j / step * 65535.0;
Colors[i].blue = 65535;
Colors[i].green = Colors[i].red;
Colors[i].flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
for (j = 0, i = leg, leg += step; i < leg; ++i, ++j) {
Colors[i].pixel = i;
Colors[i].red = 65535;
Colors[i].blue = fabs(65535 - (double)j / step * 65535.0);
Colors[i].green = Colors[i].blue;
Colors[i].flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
case 7: /* random palette */
hls[1] = 500; /* Lightness in midrange */
hls[2] = 1000; /* Fully saturated */
for (i=min; i<n_cols; i++) {
hls[0] = 3600L * (lrand48() % n_cols) / n_cols;
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
/* wheel=8 indicates the default color map which is already queried */
case 9: /* red, green, blue for 3 basins */
hls[0] = 60; /* hue at low end */
hls[2] = 1000; /* Fully saturated */
for (i=s_col; i<((n_cols-s_col)/3)+s_col; i++) {
hls[1] = 800L * i / (((n_cols-s_col)/3)+s_col);
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
hls[0] = 800; /* hue in middle */
for (i=((n_cols-s_col)/3)+s_col;i<(2*(n_cols-s_col)/3)+s_col;i++) {
hls[1] = 800L * i / ((2*(n_cols-s_col)/3)+s_col);
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
hls[0] = 1600; /* hue in upper range */
for (i=(2*(n_cols-s_col)/3)+s_col; i<n_cols; i++) {
hls[1] = 800L * i / n_cols;
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
case 10: /* palette of several rainbows */
hls[1] = 500; /* Lightness in midrange */
hls[2] = 1000; /* Fully saturated */
for (i=s_col; i<n_cols; i++) {
hls[0] = 3000L*((i-s_col)%((n_cols-s_col)/_numdivs))
/ ((n_cols-s_col)/_numdivs);
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
case 11:
colgap = 2*RGB_MAX/(n_cols - ((n_cols + min)/2));
for (i=min; i<min+(numfree/2); i++) {
Colors[i].blue = 0;
Colors[i].green=((i+((n_cols + min)/2))*colgap);
Colors[i].red=((i+((n_cols + min)/2))*colgap);
for (i=min+(numfree/2); i<n_cols; i++) {
Colors[i].blue = 0;
Colors[i].green=(((n_cols-i)+((n_cols + min)/2))*colgap);
Colors[i].red=(((n_cols-i)+((n_cols + min)/2))*colgap);
case 12: /* green colormap */
hls[0] = 1200; /* Green Hue */
hls[2] = 1000; /* Fully saturated */
for (i=s_col; i<n_cols; i++) {
hls[1] = (800L * (n_cols - i) / (n_cols - s_col)) + 100L;
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
case 13: /* green "tent" shaped colormap */
colgap = 2*RGB_MAX/(n_cols - ((n_cols + min)/2));
for (i=s_col; i<s_col+((n_cols - s_col)/2); i++) {
Colors[i].blue = 0;
Colors[i].green=((i+((n_cols + min)/2))*colgap);
Colors[i].red=((i+((n_cols + min)/2))*colgap);
for (i=s_col+((n_cols - s_col)/2); i<n_cols; i++) {
Colors[i].blue = 0;
Colors[i].green=(((n_cols-i)+((n_cols + min)/2))*colgap);
Colors[i].red=(((n_cols-i)+((n_cols + min)/2))*colgap);
case 14: /* red, green, blue for n basins */
hls[2] = 1000L;
if (n) {
d = (double)(n_cols - s_col)/(double)n;
for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
hls[0] = (j*2500L/n)+250L; /* hue */
for (i=s_col+(j*d); i<((j+1)*d)+s_col; i++) {
if (i >= n_cols)
hls[1] = 250L + (500L * (double)(i-s_col-(j*d)) / d);
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
else {
hls[0] = 0L; /* hue */
for (i=s_col; i<n_cols; i++) {
hls[1] = 100L + (800L * (double)(i-s_col) / (n_cols - s_col));
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
case 15: /* reverse rainbow palette */
hls[1] = 500; /* Lightness in midrange */
hls[2] = 1000; /* Fully saturated */
for (i=s_col; i<n_cols; i++) {
hls[0] = 3000L * (i - s_col) / (n_cols - s_col);
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
case 16: /* rainbow palette */
hls[1] = 500; /* Lightness in midrange */
hls[2] = 1000; /* Fully saturated */
for (i=s_col; i<n_cols; i++) {
hls[0] = 3000L * (i - s_col) / (n_cols - s_col);
hls2rgb(hls, rgb);
Colors[i].red = rgb[0];
Colors[i].green = rgb[1];
Colors[i].blue = rgb[2];
XStoreColors(display, cmap, Colors, n_cols);
/* install new color map */
XSetWindowColormap(display, win, cmap);
write_cmap(display, cmap, Colors, n_cols, prog, res)
Display *display;
Colormap cmap;
XColor *Colors;
int n_cols;
char *prog;
char *res;
FILE *outfile;
static int i;
set_mapfile_name(display, res, prog);
outfile = fopen(mapfile,"w");
if (!outfile) {
else {
XQueryColors(display, cmap, Colors, n_cols);
for (i=0; i<n_cols; i++)
fprintf(outfile,"%d %d %d\n",
Colors[i].red/256, Colors[i].green/256, Colors[i].blue/256);